Mixed and Trapped
10 RFT (Cap 16:00)
4 Wall facing HSPU
6 Weighted Pull-ups (20/14lbs)
80 Double Unders*
*One athlete/round
Score = Time
[REST 1:00]
AMRAP 3:00
Synchronized Single Dumbbell Devils Press (70/50lbs)
Score = Reps
10 RFT (Cap 16:00)
4 Handstand Push-ups
6 Pull-ups
80 Double Unders**
** Split However
Score = Time
[REST 1:00]
AMRAP 3:00
Synchronized Single Dumbbell Devils Press (50/35lbs)
Score = Reps
10 RFT (Cap 16:00)
4 Partial Wall Walks
6 Jumping Chest-to-Bar PU
80 Single Unders**
**Split However
Score = Time
[REST 1:00]
AMRAP 3:00
Synchronized Single Dumbbell Devils Press (35/25lbs)
Score = Reps
Workout Flow
At the count of 3..2..1..GO, Athletes will begin working on their Wall Facing HSPU. Athletes can split work up during the 10 rounds however they want *EXCEPT Rx athletes must choose a partner each round to complete ALL 80 double unders with no assistance*. Score for “Mixed” will be the time it took for completion of all ten rounds. If cap is reached, their score will be 16:00 + however many reps they had left to complete. All athletes must rest from minutes 16:00-17:00. “Trapped” begins at minute 17:00 and ends at minute 20:00. Score for trapped will be the total number of synchronized single dumbbell devils presses accumulated in the 3:00. “Mixed” and “Trapped” are two separately scored events worth the same amount of points on the leaderboard.
Movement Standards
Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups - The athlete must perform their handstand push-ups with both hands touching the tape line 10 inches (25 centimeters) from the wall. This tape line must be no wider than 30 inches (76 centimeters). Any portion of both of the athlete’s hands may be touching the line (fingers OK). The athlete must start with the chest and thighs touching the floor before moving to the lockout position. The athlete must move into the lockout position with their hands on the line before descending for the first rep. The athlete may NOT cartwheel or otherwise kick up into the handstand position. If the athlete comes down from the wall at any time, they start again from the floor before beginning the next rep. The arms must be fully extended and in line with the body before the athlete can descend. The legs must remain straight throughout the repetition. Athletes may not attempt to “climb” the wall with their feet or legs. The feet may not be wider than the hands at any time during the movement. Each rep begins and ends with the athlete in the lockout position with the toes against the wall, arms fully extended, and shoulders in line with the body. Both hands must remain on the designated tape line. If one or both hands is not touching the tape line at any time, the repetition will not count
Handstand Push-Ups - The inside of the box for the handstand push-up must measure 40 in (102 cm) wide and 24 in (60 cm) deep. All parts of the athlete's hands must remain inside the lines of the box on top of the bumper plates provided. The athlete’s body must be completely locked out at the top of the rep. The athlete's head must touch the ground (abmat). To complete the rep the athlete must hit full extension at the top of the rep including back, hips, legs, and arms. The rep is credited when control in the extended position is shown. Reps can be kipping or strict.
​Partial Wall Walk (2022 Open Standard) - Mark a tape line that measures 55 inches from the wall to the edge of the tape that is CLOSEST to the wall. The line will be 2 inches wide. Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with their chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground. At the start and finish of each rep, both hands must be in front of the tape line. No part of the hand may be touching the line. Both hands must remain in front of the tape until both feet are on the wall. The athlete will walk up the wall until both hands are on the other side of the 2-inch tape line. The fingers may NOT be touching the tape line. On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are in front of the tape line. No part of the hand may be touching the line. The rep is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position, with their hands in front of the line and their chest, thighs, and feet touching the ground.
Weighted Pull-up (PU) - Each rep begins with the Athlete in a hanging position with elbows extended and the medicine ball is held between the athlete's legs with the athlete's entire body off the ground. Rep is credited when the athlete's chin breaks above the horizontal plane of the bar. Athletes must return to a hang position with elbows fully extended between consecutive reps. Any style of PU is accepted (i.e. strict, kipping, butterfly). Reverse or Mixed grip on the bar is NOT ALLOWED.
Pull-up (PU) - Each rep begins with the Athlete in a hanging position with elbows extended. Rep is credited when the athlete's chin breaks above the horizontal plane of the bar. Athletes must return to a hang position with elbows fully extended between consecutive reps. Any style of PU is accepted (i.e. strict, kipping, butterfly). Reverse or Mixed grip on the bar is NOT ALLOWED.
Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-up (JCTB) - For JCTB, the bar should be set so it is at least 6 inches above the athlete’s head when the athlete is standing tall. At the bottom, the arms must be fully extended. Mixed and reverse grip on the bar is NOT ALLOWED. At the top, rep is credited when the athlete's chest clearly comes in contact with the bar anywhere below the athlete's clavicle and above their navel.
Double under - Rope must clearly pass under the athletes feet twice in one jump. Rope must spin forward not backwards. During their jump, both feet must jump at the same time.
Single Under - Rope must clearly pass under the athletes feet once in one jump. Rope must spin forward not backwards. During their jump, both feet must jump at the same time. No skipping allowed.
Synchronized Single Dumbbell Devils Press - Athletes must keep their hand on the dumbbell at all times. Reps must be synchronized at the bottom and at the top. Rep begins with the athletes chests in clear contact with the floor. The athletes must then get the dumbbell from the floor to overhead in one fluid motion. The rep is credited when both athletes hit full extension with the dumbbell locked out overhead. DROPPING THE DB FROM ANY HEIGHT AT ANY TIME WILL RESULT IN A 5 REP DEDUCTION FROM OVERALL SCORE [FOR EACH OCCURENCE].
House Arrest
AMRAP 2:00
Athlete 1 - Max L-Sit Hold (Sc. AbMat Sit-up)
Athlete 2 - Max Cal Ski Erg
[Rest :30]
AMRAP 2:00
Athlete 1 - Max Cal Ski Erg
Athlete 2 - Max L-Sit Hold (Sc. AbMat Sit-up)
Score = Reps from both AMRAPs Combined
Workout Flow
At the count of 3..2..1..GO, Athlete 1 will hold an L-Sit on Parallettes for as long as possible. Every 3 seconds in a successful hold will count as a “rep”. While Athlete 1 holds the L-sit, Athlete 2 will ski on the erg for as many calories as possible in 2:00. After 2:00 has elapsed, there will be a :30 rest period and then Athletes 1 and 2 will trade places.
Movement Standards
Ski Erg - Erg will be set to count in calories on a 2:00 countdown timer. Damper will be set at 10. Athletes are Not allowed to touch the monitor OR damper under any circumstances, only judges can. Touching the monitor or damper will result in a -10 cal penalty. Athletes must keep feet on the ski platform at all times.
L-Sit Hold - Athletes will have to keep their hands within the designated tape lines on the parallettes. No part of the athlete's hand can touch the tape lines. The width of the parallettes can be adjusted as the athletes deem fit, however no part of the athletes body can be in contact with the parallettes except the athletes hands. Parallettes cannot be moved forward or back. The rep begins with the athlete in the support position and feet completely above the stack of three 45lbs Plates. Every :03 (3 seconds) will be counted as one rep. No partial credit will be given for attempts less than :03. Intermediate athletes will have one 45lbs plate to keep their feet above.
AbMat Sit-Up - Athletes will start the rep touching their feet with shoulders in front of their hip crease. Athletes must then bring their hands overhead and touch the floor on the back half. The rep is credited when athletes return their hands and shoulders to the start position. No point during the rep may the athlete's glutes come off the ground. Athletes can opt to not use an ABMat if they so choose. Legs can be positioned however the athlete deems fit.
Heavy Dub
EMOM 6:00*
1 Squat Clean and Split Jerk
*Partners alternate every minute
Score = Combined weight from successful attempts
EMOM 6:00*
1 Ground-to-Overhead
*Partners alternate every minute
Score = Combined weight from successful attempts
Workout Flow
At the count of 3..2..1..GO, one athlete will begin their attempt while the other athlete rests during the minute. The athlete will have the entire 60 seconds to complete their lift. Athletes must begin their lift within the minute but are allowed to finish the lift after their 60 second window; however, any additional time taken to complete the lift, if taken after the minute, will be taken from their partner's attempt window. Athletes are allowed multiple attempts, but only the first successful attempt will be counted towards their score each minute. Score will be the total combined weight moved across all 6 recorded attempts. Failed attempts/minutes will be recorded as 0 lbs.
Movement Standards
Squat Clean - Bar must move from the ground to the athletes front rack in one motion. Athletes must receive the bar in a squat or on the descent into a squat. Athletes are NOT allowed to power clean the bar then ride it down. During the rep, the top of the hip crease must go below the top of the knees; the rep is credited once the athlete hits full extension at the top of the rep with the bar in the front rack position.
Split Jerk - The bar starts in the athletes front rack. Athletes must move the bar from the front rack to the overhead position utilizing a dip and drive technique, receiving the bar with one foot in front of the athlete's hip and one foot behind the athlete's hips. The rep is credited when the athlete has the bar locked out overhead and brings their feet underneath their hips, standing to full extension SHOWING CONTROL OF THE BAR before bringing it down.
Ground-to-Overhead - Athletes will begin the rep with the barbell on the ground. The rep is credited when the athlete has the bar locked out overhead and stands to full extension SHOWING CONTROL OF THE BAR before bringing it down. Bar must also be over the middle of the athlete's body (not in front). How you get it up and overhead is at the discretion of the athlete.
Drum Track
For Time (Cap 12:00)
800-m Run*
400-m KB Farmers Carry**
800-m Run*
*Athletes will run together
**Athletes will have [1] 70 lb KB and [1] 53 lb KB to carry
Score = Time
For Time (Cap 12:00)
800-m Run*
400-m KB Farmers Carry**
800-m Run*
*Athletes will split run by laps
**Athletes will have [1] 53 lb KB and [1] 35 lb KB to carry
Score = Time
For Time (Cap 12:00)
800-m Run*
400-m KB Farmers Carry**
400-m Run*
*Athletes will split run by laps
**Athletes will have [1] 35 lb KB and [1] 26 lb KB to carry
Score = Time
Workout Flow
At the count of 3..2..1..GO, Athletes will begin on their first lap around the track from their designated start position. After 800m is completed athletes will move on to the KB Farmers Carry. Athletes can run, walk, sprint, etc. with the KBs as long as they remain below the waist. Athletes will finish the workout with one final run. Score is the time it takes to complete all the work. If cap is reached, score will be 12:00 + however many reps left.
Movement Standards
Run - Athletes will begin at their designated start line. Athletes must propel themselves forward, foot after foot. Rep is credited when athlete(s) complete 400-m around the track.
KB Farmer’s Carry - Athletes must move their KB’s from their designated start position, around the track a total of 400-meters. Athletes may carry one or both KBs at a time. KBs must be carried below the hips. Rep is credited when both athletes and both KBs complete a 400-m lap.