For Time (13:00 Cap)
150m Swim*
15 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters
100m Swim
12 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters
50m Swim
9 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters
DB (70/50)
*BOTH Athletes will swim the full distance at the same time.
**Tie Break time will be at the completion of the first set of Thrusters.
For Time (13:00 Cap)
150m Swim*
15 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters
100m Swim
12 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters
50m Swim
9 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters
DB (50/35)
*ONE Athlete swims at once. Split swim as desired.
**Tie Break time will be at the completion of the first set of Thrusters.
For Time (13:00 Cap)
50m Swim*
15 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters
50m Swim
12 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters
50m Swim
9 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters
DB (35/25)
*ONE Athlete swims at once. Split swim as desired.
**Tie Break time will be at the completion of the first set of Thrusters.
Workout Flow
At the count of 3..2..1..GO! Athletes will move from their starting mat to the pool and swim the required distance. Athletes will only be allowed to enter/exit the pool along the side with their DBs (i.e. you may not exit on the opposite side of the pool). Rx division will swim together in the same lane. Upon finishing their swim distance, athletes will exit the pool and begin their synchro thrusters. Thrusters must be synchronized. Score will be the total time it took to complete the WOD. Tie Break will be the time it takes for the first set of thrusters to be completed.
Movement Standards
Swim - Any style of swim is allowed. Athletes may enter the pool however they wish, including a dive. Athletes must CLEARLY touch the opposite edge of the pool with BOTH hands when turning around. One length of the pool is 25m. Athletes may only enter/exit the pool from one side (i.e. you must complete 50m before exiting the pool). Athletes MUST make their turns above the water (no Tumble/Flip turns).
Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters - Athletes must synchronize their reps at the bottom of the squat and the top of the thruster. Athletes must squat below parallel and propel the DB overhead in one motion (no Jerks, must Push-press). The rep is credited when lockout is reached in the overhead position. There is NO requirement to alternate sides. Athletes may squat clean their first rep. DO NOT DROP OUR DBs. If an athlete drops our DBs from any height, they will be assessed a 30 sec penalty to their score. DBs must be placed back on the starting mat before Athletes may begin their swim distance.